The Quick Scan

Do you have a clear idea of your challenges? Then the Quick Scan is something for you! We start each project with a Quick Scan to map out your problem and the associated technical details, and to make a first proposal for a possible solution. The Quick Scan is the ideal preparation for any project!


What is a Quick Scan?

During the Quick Scan, we interview stakeholders and analyze the scope of the project and the requirements. This way you will get a suitable solution for your problem.

In a nutshell:


When to do a Quick Scan?

You know exactly which challenge(s) you want to tackle and you want to get started. You lack the skills to express your needs in technical requirements. The scope / requirements of your challenge are still unclear.


The result

After the Quick Scan you will receive a report that provides insight into the current situation of your company, the ideal situation of your company, the requirements, the return on investment and a budget indication. We would be happy to explain this report to you verbally.


The price

The price of the Quick Scan is €975 excluding VAT. This includes the interview and the working session, the drafting of the report and the joint follow-up discussion.

It's tempting to think that every problem has a quick fix, but that's rarely the case. Take the time to understand the problem before attempting to solve it.
Tim Fargo

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