An overview
- CustomerWhello
- Our IT peopleJob
The Challenge
Whello is an online marketing agency that has grown explosively in recent years. They have done this, among other things, by taking over smaller online marketing agencies and adopting them in their way of working. Challenges of this rapid growth are also integrating, migrating and merging all these environments.
Whello needed our help with that!
Our role and objectives
We helped Whello to merge all accounts, related applications and documents and organize them so that they can be managed from one place. We did this by carefully identifying what was and was not within the scope of the migration, guiding the migration process in phases and carefully so that down-time was prevented as much as possible and finally introducing custom automation that was not supported within the current software packages.
The result
Whello can organize all domains and companies from a central location. Additional wishes regarding synchronization of calendars and permissions are done via a custom automated service.
Curious to learn more about Whello? Take a look at their website!

The process
The process from A-Z!
Scoping IT landscape
First of all, we mapped out what the IT landscape looked like
Merge environments
Based on the schematic map, we have carefully brought together the environments one by one
Custom “tweaks”
We have custom developed additional requirements that could not be configured in the existing software.